We provide a wide range of professional services to help you meet your research goals. Whether it is one document you desire, or building out your family tree - we are here for you!
We can start your tree from scratch, or add on to your existing tree. This tree can be on WikiTree (the preferred location, see below) or FamilySearch. It is up to you whether we do minimal profile work, or extensive family and biography building. You can easily download a gedcom and upload that to your Ancestry tree if you desire. We can add DNA confirmation statements to WikiTree if your DNA matches are provided. We provide recommendations on the next stages of your research. Please note that including "brick wall" ancestors may effect how many generations we can build.
WikiTree.com is a free genealogy site that focuses on collaboration and relies on valid sources. There is oversight, meaning other people can't come in later and make bad changes to your branches. If they do, they will be reprimanded and the changes can be reverted back to the original content with the click of a button. WikiTree has a forum and many projects that can help you when you are ready to further the research on your own. They also are sincerely protective of your privacy, and that of your ancestors. There are several privacy options for any family members born within the last 150 years.
The consultation for building your tree is free, just like with any of our services. We charge $30 an hour which is up to 80% less than regular research services found elsewhere. There is no minimum fee. Contact us to discuss a discount for larger blocks of time.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.
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